The top news stories in medicine today.
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While everyone wants to put the COVID-19 pandemic behind them, it may not be possible for some time. How long? New research indicates the COVID-19 virus can linger in blood and tissue of patients for more than a year after the acute illness has ended. The findings may implications for long-term effects of infection.
Tryptophan connected to arthritis?
Tryptophan is an amino acid that people get from high-protein foods including meats, fish and dairy products. While it is essential for health, a new study found bacteria in the gut may break it down to a product that contributes to inflammation, possibly to forms of arthritis.
Investigators earlier this year claimed 93 people died of complications of cosmetic surgeries performed in the Dominican Republic since 2009. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control offered advice that medical tourists should consider before going abroad for cosmetic procedures, according to the Associated Press.