


State laws and regulations that affect your medical practice

1. Are physicians exempt from jury duty in Connecticut?

Connecticut no longer specifically exempts physicians from jury duty. Generally, a person shall be disqualified to serve as a juror if such person:

(a) Is found by a judge of the Superior Court to exhibit any quality which will impair the capacity of such person to serve as a juror, except that no person shall be disqualified on the basis of deafness or hearing impairment;

( c ) Is not able to speak and understand the English language;

(d) Is the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the State, Treasurer, Comptroller or Attorney General;

(e) Is a judge of the Probate Court, Superior Court, Appellate Court or Supreme Court, is a family support magistrate or is a federal court judge;

(f) Is seventy years of age or older and chooses not to perform juror service; and

(g) Is incapable, by reason of physical or mental disability, of rendering satisfactory juror service.

C.G.S.A. § 51-217

2. May a physician be excused, at his or her request, if jury service will pose extreme hardship?

The court has authority to excuse a juror from juror service, upon a finding of extreme hardship. This means a situation or condition that prevents a person from serving as a juror for even one day.

C.G.S.A. § 51-217a

Copyright Kern Augustine Conroy and Schoppmann, P.C. Used with permission.

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