
Chances are, you share our obse$$ion


This is the Editor's Memo for the 2000 Financial Guide.

Chances are, you share our obse$$ion

TEAM 2000: Front row, from left: Senior Editors Diane Weber and BradBurg, Production Editors Linda S. Berry and Elizabeth O'Brien, Financial/Electronic-PublishingEditor Jeff Burger, Senior Editor Leslie Kane, and Financial Fact CheckerVicki F. Brentnall. At rear, from left: Senior Editor Doreen Mangan, FinancialGuide Art Director Donna Morris, and Senior Editor Dennis Murray, editorof this year's guide.

Remember when you could spend hours with friends or colleagues and nothear one word about the stock market? Now you can't go anywhere--a party,a grocery store, a funeral--without someone rambling on about how theirinvestments are doing. Today, folks seem as passionate about the stock market'sgyrations as they are about their jobs and marriages.

I'm nearing that level of obsession myself. Years ago, before I startedworking for this magazine, I would have found daily shifts in the Dow JonesIndustrial Average as fascinating as a list of ingredients on a shampoobottle. Now, I follow the major stock indexes daily, as closely as I lookat sports box scores--which is to say very closely.

If this sounds familiar, you'll have as much fun reading our 26th annualFinancial Guide as we had putting it together. For this edition, besidesthe latest advice on bonds, mutual funds, and taxes, we've prepared a new"investment derby," featuring all-stock portfolios; a specialsection on using your computer to improve your finances; advice on how togenerate income after you retire; and a feature on how--and how much--topay a financial planner.

There's also an entry in our popular "financial makeover" series:This time, a rural couple, both doctors, get expert advice on how to savefor retirement while paying for two college educations and a major practiceexpansion.

The same editorial team that brought you last year's Financial Guideput this one together. I'd especially like to thank Financial/Electronic-PublishingEditor Jeff Burger, who helped me reshape several pieces, making them moretimely and pertinent. Special thanks must also go to Senior Editor DianeWeber, who spent hours fine-tuning each article; and to Fact Checker VickiBrentnall, who, besides confirming the accuracy of the information in eachstory, updated all of the performance data before this issue went to press.Information Services Chief Andrea Frascogna assisted her on several articles.

Thanks, also, to Senior Editors Brad Burg, Lawrence Farber, Leslie Kane,and Doreen Mangan, who began brainstorming for this issue way back in March.Credit goes, as well, to Managing Editor Polly Miller and Production EditorsLinda Berry and Elizabeth O'Brien, who diligently checked continuity, grammar,and punctuation.

In the Art Department, Senior Designer Donna Morris had the difficulttask of putting it all together, which she did with talent and enthusiasm.

So dig in. We hope you'll find this Financial Guide a valuable resourcethroughout the year ahead. Because we'll soon start planning next year'sissue, I'd like to hear your comments and suggestions regarding how we canbest serve you. Feel free to contact me by phone (201-358-7368), fax (201-722-2688),or e-mail (

Just promise not to take me away from those box scores for too long.

Dennis Murray. Chances are, you share our obse$$ion. Medical Economics 1999;21:37.

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