

Artificial intelligence adding to business threats: a slideshow

Federal experts cite survey of expert predictions in new report.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked analysis, commentary, and some trepidation about what will happen in health care and across society as computers gain intelligence.

The effects are not necessarily good if AI is weaponized to attack physicians, hospitals, health care organizations, and more.

The U.S. Department of Health and Humans Services’ Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) and Office of Information Security in July 2023 offered the threat briefing in “Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and the Health Sector.” It cited a survey by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s MIT Technology Review of business leaders predicting “How AI will be used against companies.”

What are the biggest threats AI will create for businesses? Here are the threats and the percentages of experts who predicted they will employ AI. The 2021 survey included responses from 309 business leaders worldwide.

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