
AI babies; Covid transmission between deer and humans; Sleep deprivation could ease depression - Morning Medical Update


The top news stories in primary care today.

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© Alena Kryazheva -

AI babies

A new company called AIVF uses artificial intelligence to help fertility doctors choose which embryos to implant. The company, based in Tel Aviv, Israel, says currently one in five attempts at in-vitro fertilization (IVF) lead to pregnancy. Their software was trained on time-lapsed videos of embryos in development, learning which ones had a positive outcome.

Covid transmission between deer and humans

Humans have spread COVID-19 to whitetail deer hundreds of times, according to a new analysis. Deer have also caught and spread variants from humans at least three times. A separate investigation was able to track down three people and three zoo lions with the deer variant. None of the humans had contact with the deer or the zoo.

Sleep deprivation could ease depression

According to a recent study, sleep deprivation may help the depression of some individuals. Research shows that a single night of sleep deprivation improves connectivity in the amygdala and the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with improved mood. As a result, sleep deprivation treatments may soon become a reality.

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