

2005 Doctors' Writing Contest

Get away from it all on us!

Grand Prize

A vacation worth up to $6,000. You choose the spot.


Best Practice Solution


Young Doctor Award



Write this year's most compelling story—drawn from your own experience—and we'll send you on vacation. You can go anywhere in the world and take along anyone you choose; we'll pay the tab (up to $6,000).

What to enter

An original article—previously unpublished and submitted exclusively to Medical Economics—that your fellow physicians will want to read.

What do you write about?

The solution you found to a troubling practice problem.

Lessons you learned from a lawsuit or a peer review appearance or a Medicare audit.

The memorable encounter that shaped the way you now practice medicine.

Techniques you've developed for working with difficult patients.

Investment decisions you're particularly proud of—or wish you'd never made.

How you found the time and energy to start a sideline business.

In short, anything you've been through that other doctors might learn from. For more details check out last year's contest winners and our Writer's Guide. Don't send: clinical articles, fiction, or poetry.

Who can enter

MDs and DOs, except the Editorial Board members listed on our masthead.

How to enter

Send your manuscript by mail, fax, or e-mail. It should be double-spaced with a heading that includes your name, address, Social Security number, daytime phone number, and—if you have them—a fax number and e-mail address. Also please include a copy of your CV.

You may enter as often as you wish. All manuscripts accepted for publication will be paid for on publication at our usual rates, whether they are prize winners or not. If you want an unaccepted manuscript returned, enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

To submit your entry contact:

Jeanne Sabatie
Outside Copy Editor
Medical Economics
5 Paragon Drive
Montvale, NJ 07645

Fax: 973-847-5390


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